Committees of Glen Leven Presbyterian Church
A Loving Community Called Together by God to be a People of Faith, Prayer, Nurture, and Outreach
Much of the work of Glen Presbyterian Church is done through its committees. The following are descriptions of standing committees. There are also subcommittees of the following as well as special committees from time to time to insure that work is completed in an effective and efficient manner and that the needs of the congregation and the community are met.
Christian Growth and Nurture: The Christian Growth and Nurture Committee oversees and supports educational opportunities for our congregation and community, providing diverse, nurturing and spiritually challenging opportunities for all ages. Programs include, but are not limited to Sunday small groups and classes, Vacation Bible School, Children's Guide to Worship, Confirmation classes, Wednesday Night Connections, Sunday and Wednesday Adult Bible studies, Youth activities, the library and the nursery.
Congregational Care and Evangelism: The Congregational Care and Evangelism Committee touches all aspects of church life, from fellowship to mission to cares and concerns. This committee is responsible for programs and activities that are designed to welcome and assimilate new members, and to encourage all members and friends of Glen Leven Presbyterian Church to actively participate in the life of the church. Activities include but are not limited to Fellowship lunches, Breezeway fellowships, Women’s circles, Men’s Fellowship, addressing congregational cares and concerns, and overseeing our Community Ministries and Worldwide Ministries.
Day School: The Day School Committee is responsible for providing a mission outreach of childcare for pre-school children. This committee oversees the policies and programs, staff care, public relations, and the safety and maintenance of the school. They also serve as a mission liaison between the school and congregation.
Human Resources: The Human Resources Committee provides oversight and development of all the non-ordained personnel of Glen Leven. This committee maintains our Personnel Manual, maintains a healthy working environment, conducts annual performance reviews, and addresses staffing needs.
Nominating Committee: The nominating committee is elected annually by the congregation for the purpose of nominating elders and staffing committees of the church.
Property: The Property Committee serves as stewards of the various physical assets of Glen Leven. This committee oversees the maintenance of buildings, grounds, and other physical property, develops and guides long range planning, and maintains a Facilities Reference Manual.
Stewardship: The Stewardship Committee provides a ministry of oversight and direction for the financial operations of the church, working with the congregation to encourage generous giving of gifts, time, and talents in response to God’s grace.
Worship: The Worship Committee makes provision for Sunday worship services and for special opportunities for worship throughout the year, ensuring that our music program is complete, scheduling ushers, scheduling liturgists, scheduling acolytes, scheduling elders to serve communion, and maintaining sanctuary continuity. The committee also oversees weddings and funerals.