Homecoming Information


After prayerful and thoughtful consideration, the Session is pleased to announce that Glen Leven is encouraging you to return to our in-person corporate worship and fellowship.  The Session unanimously agreed that this is an appropriate time to once again gather together based on the local vaccination and case data, and public health guidance for Churches.


Glen Leven will mark this new beginning, inviting you to gather at Glen Leven on Pentecost Sunday, 23 May 2021, at 11:00 AM, for a “Homecoming” worship and celebration.  Following the morning worship (outside if weather permits), we will join in a fellowship picnic.


Thank you for your prayers and faithfulness as we navigate through our new normal.  We are excited for this next chapter of our journey together and look forward to safely providing a community of faith where you can fellowship and grow in your relationships with one another and with the Lord God.