Small Groups

God’s Kids/Explorers

Sundays, 9:40-10:30 a.m.

God’s Kids/Explorers Room, Administration Building

Children ages 3 to 5 up to second grade gather and grow together, learning and celebrating the wonders of God’s love through fun filled activities and music. Using the We Believe curriculum, in hand with the wonderful stories of the Bible, they explore and learn of God’s amazing grace and mercy.


Sundays, 9:40-10:30 a.m.

Seekers Room, Administration Building

Youth in grades 3 through High School are offered the opportunity to work together and are challenged to grow in their understanding of the relevance of the messages of the Bible and in their relationship with God. This group is guided by "Young Teen Encounter" resources Meeting God Face-To-Face.

The “Encounters” are based on a coherent study of both the Old and New Testaments. The objective is to strengthen our teens’ understanding of the truths of God in Scripture, equipping them to live out their faith in Christ Jesus and grow in their relationship with God

Common Thread

Sundays, 9:40-10:30 a.m.

Common Thread Room, Administration Building

A group of single and married, young and middle-aged adults sharing in fellowship and study seeking to develop a deeper faith and relationship with Christ Jesus. Through discussion of the Bible, this group seeks to discern the relavant application of the message for life today.

Women’s Fellowship

Sundays, 9:40-10:30 a.m.

Parlor Room, Administration Building 

This group is composed of women exploring the relevance of God’s Word, using The Present Word curriculum, Covenant Communities


Sundays, 9:40-10:30 a.m.

Gospelaires Room, Administration Building

The Gospelaires is a group of men and women exploring and growing in the Christian Faith using "The Present Word" curriculum, Covenant Communities. In their discussion, they seek a deeper understanding of how they might live out the covenant relationship between themselves and God.


Men’s Bible Group

Sundays, 9:40-10:30 a.m.

Church Library, Administration Building

A gathering of older men who encourage one another in their discipleship through discussion and study of the Bible using "The Present Word" curriculum, Covenant Communities. Together they reflect on the biblical text and are challenged to act on what they discover there.

Alpha Bible Study

Sundays, 4:30-5:30 p.m., August through June

Common Thread Room, Administration Building 

This Bible study for older youth and adults features in-depth discussion of the books of the Bible, with emphasis on their significant messages for today’s world.  The study is led by Dr. Mark S. Bryan, pastor of Glen Leven.

Omega Bible Study

Wednesdays, 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., August through June

Common Thread Room, Administration Building 

As in the Alpha study, this Bible study for adults features in-depth discussion of the books of the Bible, with emphasis on their significant messages for today’s world.

Chancel Choir


Rehearsal on Thursday evenings at 7:00 p.m.


Choir Room, Administration Building

An enthusiastic and dedicated group of men and women committed to honoring and glorifying God through the ministry of music.  Together, they help in leading the community of faith in worship on Sunday mornings.